
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Rhymes Against Humanity 041 Brad Yoder, Amish KGB Spy
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016

Friday Mar 04, 2016
Rhymes Against Humanity 039 Gregg Cagno
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Friday Mar 04, 2016

Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
RAH 037 Winners and Losers and Rich Kelly Edition
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
It was two years ago today that my dear, sweet, gentle, rough edged, infuriating, frustrating, brilliant, tragic sister Shari went to be with Jesus up in heaven. I was the best brother she had and I should've been much kinder. We grew up in a home where kindness wasn't a virtue, but rather a weakness to be attacked. It made us funny as fuck but it also made us mean. Thats a shame. But this ain't about that. I miss her terribly, but this ain't about that either.

Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Rhymes Against Humanity 036 Brigid Kaelin Freckles and Fascism Edition
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016

Monday Jan 25, 2016
Rhymes Against Humanity 035 Birthday Reboot
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Monday Jan 25, 2016
It's been a long hiatus, but the creative differences between the EP and the host have been solved and season Three kicks off with this little episode. Please enjoy, and If you do and you want to send your favorite DORK a birthday present, go over to iTunes and leave a good review for the podcast. See you soon and may all your showers be golden.

Monday Jan 25, 2016
Rhymes Against Humanity 035 Birthday Reboot
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Monday Jan 25, 2016
It's been a long hiatus, but the creative differences between the EP and the host have been solved and season Three kicks off with this little episode. Please enjoy, and If you do and you want to send your favorite DORK a birthday present, go over to iTunes and leave a good review for the podcast. See you soon and may all your showers be golden.

Thursday Jun 11, 2015
RAH 034 Philly Music Lab/Fuck Bob Schieffer and John Dickerson Edition
Thursday Jun 11, 2015
Thursday Jun 11, 2015

Thursday Apr 16, 2015
RAH 032 Dan Canon
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Last month while I was out touring where the Eastern Midwest meets the Northern South, I landed in Louisville where I played a house concert and witnessed how the 16th largest city in America had funked itself up considerably since my last sojourn several years ago. The time I had was bangin’ and reconnecting with old friends and musicians was just what this old troubadork needed, not to mention unlocking the “Standing around outside in shirt sleeves” achievement for 2015. Alas, the pleasant temps did not coincide with my Creation Museum Day and in fact, the heavy rain ironically kept me from venturing outside the museum to see how the Ark construction was progressing and also from enjoying a camel ride, (not a euphemism). But that ain’t why we're here.
During my weekend spent Kentucking, I sat down with several old friends and recorded podcasts. The first we’re gonna share is my friend, Dan Canon who is, in no particular order, a Songwriter, Guitarist, Actor and a Civil Rights Attorney. On April 28th 2015, Dan will be part of a giant legal team which will argue their case in front of the Supremes. These cases all bundled together may very well settle the Gay Marriage question in this whole friggin' land, including the backwater states. If so, you’re about to listen to a podcast with some dude who is gonna be a legitimate piece of American history, and in a good way.* Anyway, I was grateful that Dan shared the better part of an hour with me and I learned a lot about the case and what to, and what not to expect. If our talk leaves you whetted for more SCOTUS, I recommend my #wcw Dahlia Lithwick’s Amicus Pod where she talks a little more about the particular case. If you want more Dan, you should check out his band The Vatican Bank, or his Bob Loblaw Law Blog called, Conflicts Check.
Please say hi to Dan, or me, or leave a review in iTunes, (even if you just want to tell us to come to Jebus) Subscribe to Rhymes Against Humanity in iTunes or on Stitcher and remember, Love is winning because we are loving more. Keep on loving and try not to hate. I don’t always succeed at this, but you know that the best managers were shitty players.
And remember, even though I don’t say it often enough, or ever really, I love you.
*Not me...Dan. My best shot at viral fame these days is along the lines of, “Folksinger missing for years found mummified in home studio.” or possibly “Local Folksinger’s Disturbing browser history, sings sad song of slow demise.” or something.

Monday Mar 16, 2015
RAH 030 Aggie Ebrahimi
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015

Monday Feb 16, 2015
RAH 028 Erin McKeown
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Monday Feb 16, 2015